Italy, Naples
Federico II University of Naples (UNINA) is the oldest publicly funded university in Europe. Today, it offers courses in all academic subjects leading to nearly 155 academic degrees. UNINA’s educational network includes high-level professional training programmes of academic and scientific excellence in all fields. Research facilities provide support to all these courses. Students are given the opportunity to pursue intellectual development as well as the acquisition of professional and soft skills. Current student enrolment nears 86,000 and the academic personnel, at this time, is 2532 units. UNINA’s structure is currently made up by 3 Schools (Science and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology for Life), hosting 26 Graduate Schools, 26 Departments and 2597 Teachers (Professors, Associate Professors and Researchers). UNINA strives to consolidate and develop its role at the international level. To this end, one of its highest priorities consists in nurturing relationships, both within Italy and worldwide. Its students are relentlessly encouraged in the pursuit of excellence, at home and abroad. Its staff and students take part in a variety of exchange programmes, within Europe, the Americas and Asia. UNINA’s educational network is being geared towards the establishment of life-long, high level professional training programmes, while maintaining excellence in all fields of education and research. Federico II University is leading and partnering in a number of projects from the European programmes, from FP7/H2020 ones to Interreg, Espon Horizon and Erasmus+. The UNINA Unit leading this application is L.U.P.T. “Raffaele d’Ambrosio” Centre. LUPT is an Interdepartmental Research Centre of the Federico II University. It gathers more than 100 professors and researchers in humanities and STEM disciplines, as well as 14 members of the technical and administrative staff and some research fellows and consultants.
Role of UNINA in the Project :
UNINA’s LUPT Centre has a 20-year expertise in project management thanks to the successful leadership and partnering of EU and national funded programmes. In the MOOW CODE project, UNINA will be responsible for sharing and promotion (jointly with RTU) and will be the coordinator for the Pilot MOOW 1. It will also support partners in other tasks, particularly in the development of the MOOW Framework. UNINA-LUPT’s strong academic and projectmanagement profile is supported by the following:
- LUPT financial resources mainly come from grants and research contracts assigned by EU, national and regional research programmes.
- LUPT carries out a relevant set of key activities, including scientific publications, training, accreditation, research and dissemination, and consulting activities.
- LUPT project effectiveness is assured by a well-established institutional network, being LUPT scientific consultant of many public administrations and private companies since 1985.
- From January 2013 to April 2021 LUPT has hosted EDIC LUPT- Europe Direct Information Centre for Naples, Avellino, Benevento and Salerno areas. EDIC-LUPT has performed communication and dissemination activities, public relations, territorial networking and territorial animation about EU topics, with the aim to increase awareness about European citizenship and EU policies.
- LUPT has a wide experience both in working with SMEs and in creating good practice case studies as part of European projects.

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