Leading Organisation ->
Pilot MOOW 2 “Sustainability in Digital Education” has been organized in UEKAT, UNINA and RTU in the third project year.
Rationale for implementing the second MOOW piloting:
– A second piloting is needed to validate the changes in the MOOW Framework following its revision after the first pilot.
– A second piloting has helped test and validate the scalability of the MOOW model since the two pilot MOOWs will be implemented on different topics.
– A second piloting has increased the likelihood that MOOWs will continue to be organised by partner universities due to the expertise they have gained and the availability of the trained staff who have already been involved in two MOOW roll-outs.
– A second piloting MOOW has increased the total number of implemented MOOWs to six, solidifying the MOOW knowledge base and best practices for future MOOW implementations.
– A second piloting MOOW has helped to promote the MOOW model across HEIs, prompting the birth of a strong MOOW movement in Europe. In terms of organisation, Pilot MOOW 2 drew on most of what was done for Pilot MOOW 1: it followed the same structure and has been implemented along similar lines, while participation and output targets was increased (see next section for details). Specific aspects of planning, preparation and execution, addressed in detail in relation to Pilot MOOW 1 (PR4), also apply to Pilot MOOW 2. Pilot MOOW 2 will be themed “Sustainability in Digital Education”.
This topic has been chosen for two reasons:
- to address the need for digital sustainability in a time when universities are rapidly embracing digital technologies in education, research and administration;
- to engage university staff from the academic units who were not involved in the initial piloting. Pilot MOOW 2 is expected to:
– Create implementable solutions (ideas, prototypes, or MVPs) that will contribute to tackling sustainability challenges in digitally-driven universities.
Example outputs: a tool that rates student coursework for its digital carbon footprint, launching “Save the Planet, Clean Your Inbox” days in universities, etc. – Build awareness of the issues of digital sustainability in higher education and in society at large.
Result Languages :
Polish , Italian , Latvian

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