MOOW CODE EU project

Pilot MOOW 1 “Mental Health on University Campus”

Leading Organisation ->


The rolling out of six pilot MOOWs (two MOOWs in each of the three participating universities) has been the culminating point of the entire MOOW CODE project and the kick-off moment for the MOOW movement. Without piloting, the MOOW project was little more than a conceptual model, and a website template file. 

Six Pilot MOOWs on two distinct topics has been organized in three countries in two consecutive years to ensure that that the final MOOW model is complete and viable. The Pilot MOOW topics have been: 
– Pilot MOOW 1 – “Mental Health on University Campus” (second project year)
– Pilot MOOW 2 – “Sustainability in Digital Education” (third project year) 

MOOW piloting have addressed the following needs:
– Testing the MOOW concept in a controlled and mediated environment.
– Revising, validating and fine-tuning the MOOW Framework (PR1, PR2) and the University Staff Training Pack (PR3) – revisions will start one month after each pilot MOOW.
– Inaugurating the MOOW movement—partners will promote the launch of the first MOOWs as the beginning of an innovative digital learning and coworking initiative.
– Generating, prototyping, implementing (and possibly commercialising) novel ideas and products arising from MOOW collaborations Each Pilot MOOW will take place over the course of one week (five working days) in February, March or April, when it is most convenient to engage university students and other participants. 

Two to four weeks prior to the pilot MOOW’s launch, Impact Days has been held to advertise the upcoming event and recruit participants. Each MOOW is made up of two parts:

  1. A fully digital MOOW Bootcamp will enable students, educators, developers, and entrepreneurs to work jointly on innovative solutions (idea concepts, prototypes or MVP – minimum viable products). These online collaborations will be moderated by the staff upskilled during the Workshop. We expect each MOOW to produce at least 4-6 ideas or products.
  2. MOOW Talks (general public events) will include free and open to all online lectures, panel discussions, workshops and similar events on the MOOW topic. The following factors will contribute to the pilot MOOWs’ success: – Elements of Pilot MOOW 1 preparation will be embedded in University Staff Workshop assignments. – Running three MOOWs on the same topic in parallel will allow organising teams to share resources and best practices; it will also help to recruit Bootcamp participants and speakers for the general public event from partner universities. – Should any technical mishaps arise, the MOOW Online Platform development team (ACEEU) will be on hand to fix them. – Impact Days will bolster efforts to promote upcoming MOOWs at partner universities. “Mental Health on Campus” will be the theme of the Pilot MOOW 1. This topic has been chosen in response to a growing demand among university students and staff to discuss and address mental well-being issues, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic. Pilot MOOW 1 is expected to: – Create ideas, prototypes or MVPs to be deployed on campus with the aim to reduce stress, combat anxiety and alleviate mental health issues. Example outputs: stress-reducing nudges, online self-reflection diary, “virtual drinks” between classes, a volunteer mental health hotline, etc. – Raise awareness of mental well-being in higher education.

Result Languages :

Polish , Italian , Latvian

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