Romania, Bucovat (Timis)
HELIXCONNECT EUROPE (HelixConnect) emerged in 2020 to address the need for a better hands-on approach to facilitating innovation, helping organisations grow and enabling a proper integration among innovators, NGOs, industry and government. Our vision is to bridge global innovation systems and enable global knowledge and technology transfer. With the up-rise of modern technologies and organisational performance frameworks, massive shifts and business model innovations are required in order to transform organisations to stay competitive while ensuring that they reach their intended impact in a fair and responsible manner. HelixConnect has 4 main departments:
-Triple Helix Romania (knowledge and technology transfer via a triple/quadruple helix approach)
– Center for Digital Transformation (toolkits for digital transformation of higher education)
– Balkan Science Tellers (toolkits for citizen science and science communication)
– Bauhaus & Inclusive Cities (toolkits for participatory engagement in sustainable and inclusive urban development) Currently, HelixConnect has 9 experienced staff members and regularly works with a range of 15-20 international experts.
The organisation offers the following expertise to industries, training centres, universities, NGOs and public authorities:
– EduTech, FinTech facilitation, and LegalTech
– Networking with investors
– R&D financing
– Research project design and implementation
– Research project management
– Behavioural/neuro approaches for learning & productivity
– R&D outsourcing in environmental sustainability, engineering, technology, behavioural, learning and – productivity
– Startup support
– Triple Helix facilitation
– Learning & training accreditation (ECTS, ECVET, ETS, EQUIS, YOUTHPASS)
– Innovative & behavioural learning methodologies
– Masterclasses, webinars, conferences
– Game-based digital learning
– Non-formal education provision
HELIXCONNECT hosts the Romanian Chapter of the International Triple Helix Association. The organisation also holds the Romanian representation in the World Bank Working Group on Law and Technology. The organisation was also recently been appointed as an official partner of the European Union’s Bauhaus Initiative, which provides access to a pan-EU network of civil engineers/architects, public authorities, designers, communities with expertise in sustainable and inclusive urban development.
Role of HelixConnect in the Project :
In the MOOW CODE project, HelixConnect will provide support in the MOOW Framework development and in other project results. This role in the project is supported by the following competencies and achievements: – E-learning projects with a focus on learner inclusion and engagement, including neuroscience (brain-friendly)-driven approaches for boosting engagement and learning effectiveness in online education – Tailoring and application of EntreComp, DigComp and DigCompEdu competence frameworks of the EU for online education at academic, adult, vocational and youth levels – Application of various EU competence standards at various educational levels with specialised tailoring for online education delivery. – EU-TeachPaaS Project – provision of digital education competence certificates (DigCompEdu) for students, lecturers and university administrators. – 2 digiLEAP Project – provision of digital education competence certificates (DigCompEdu) for Law schools and LegalTech. Key people involved in the project:
VLAD MIHAESCU Vlad Mihaescu has a PhD in educational and technological models of MOOCs and has more than 10 years of experience as a trainer and teacher in areas like multimedia technologies, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usability, programming, soft skills and leadership. Author of over 25 scientific papers and book chapters published in international conferences and journals, Vlad is involved in several European research projects in the field of eLearning. He is also a lecturer for UPT. Currently, he serves as the Chair of the NAP Steering Committee at the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN).
ADRIAN SOLOMON Dr. Adrian Solomon currently serves various international appointments: Chairman, External Grants Committee (Triple Helix Association, Italy); Deputy Director (South-East European Research Centre, Greece), Project manager (Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre, United Kingdom), Co-Founder of the World Bank Working Group on Law and Technology. So far, he has successfully acquired 18 projects (H2020, Erasmus+, EUROPEAID, Tenders), amounting to more than 19.3 million Euros. He holds a PhD degree in Environmental Sustainability from the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom) as well as a BSc degree in Computer Science from the same university.
MIHAI LISETCHI Mihai Lisetchi has extensive experience in the development of social economy organisations. He is deeply involved in the study and research of social entrepreneurship, social enterprise, social economy, sharing economy and social innovation concepts and practice. He is currently also leading research at the West University of Timisoara, Romania. In the past, he undertook an international fellowship in philanthropy at Johns Hopkins University, USA, served as Secretary of State at the Ministry for Public Consultation and Civic Dialogue (Romanian Government), shaping the NGO development agenda of Romania.
ANDRA ROXANA STANCIU Andra Roxana Stanciu is an experienced computer scientists and software developer (15+ years of experience) as well as a social entrepreneur. She is highly active in the international innovation community (US and Europe): she is the founder of the Global Innovation Consortium (New York-based), which creates a business ecosystem for individuals and companies and enables innovation through technology and knowledge transfer. She is also Head of Global Partnerships of the Global Startup Ecosystem (USA), in charge of pushing forward their digital startup accelerator platform (including technical development). Over the past years, she was actively engaged in community involvement and in social dialogue by also organising and hosting events such as Future Europe Summit (series of conferences sponsored by SAP, Forbes, etc.), aiming at facilitating global ties among young people while solving common challenges.

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